Want to know how you're being watched?
When Social media companies like Facebook collect your personal data and use it to target ads and other popups specifically for you
Ex: Using pages you've liked on Facebook in order to advertise to your projected needs
Inverse surveillance - you watching them in order to hold authority to accountability
Ex: Facebook live streaming as way to report real time incidents
“The focused, systematic and routine attention to personal details for purposes of influence, management, protection or direction” (Marwick, 380)
Who’s keeping tabs on you?
Facebook stalking or “Cyberstalking” in current social media trends allows anyone who views your profile to stay updated on your life
Your Friends and Family
Companies and Corporations
What kind of online digital narrative have you created?
Social surveillance
Companies using the information you’ve posted online to target what kind of advertisements and popups to show you
Government and Security
Who has access to your last whereabouts?
Surveillance is no longer only associated with the government
Using your social media profiles to monitor suspected terrorist activity